Simmered Salmon Head and Collar with Special Soy Based Sauce

鮭の頭とかまの煮付け 可食部500g~ For 3-4 by Nobu Sakaguchi (15 years at a Michelin star)

This is a dish made by simmering the head, collar, and bones of salmon in a special soy sauce-based marinade. The marinade is packed with the rich umami flavor of the fish, and its thick texture goes well with rice. Additionally, salmon head and collar contain collagen and calcium, which are said to be good for both beauty and health. However, please be careful when eating as there may be bones left in the dish.鮭の頭、かまと骨を、特製の醤油ベースのタレで煮付けたものです。魚の旨味がたっぷりと詰まったタレ、濃厚な味わいで、ご飯に良く合います。また、鮭の頭やかまにはコラーゲンやカルシウムなどが含まれているため、美容や健康にも良いとされています。食べる際には、骨が残っているため、注意が必要です。


Salmon, Sake, Sugar, Soy sauce, Mirin, Ginger


Fish, Soy, Gluten, Sulphur Dioxide