Ready to cook Minced Chicken Hamburg Steak for Kids 4 x 40g

Ready to cook Minced Chicken Hamburg Steak for Kids 4 x 40g

Made with tender and juicy minced chicken, these hamburg steaks are sized for easy consumption by young children. Rich in nutrients and delicious in taste, they add joy to mealtime for kids. やわらかくジューシーに、そして小さなお子様でも食べやすいサイズに丁寧に手作りしました。少しドタバタしているけど、安全でおいしいものを食べてほしい、そんなときに是非ご利用ください。勿論手作り無添加です!


Minced Chicken, Egg, Bread crumble, Spring onion, Onions, Soy sauce, Salt, Milk, Olive oil, Garlic


egg, milk, soya, gluten