Yuzu & Soy Sauce Marinated Norwegian Mackerel Fillet for Grill

Yuzu & Soy Sauce Marinated Norwegian Mackerel Fillet for Grill

ノルウェー産鯖の柚子醤油漬け 焼き物用 切身 170-180g by Nobu Sakaguchi (15 years at a Michelin star)

This product is made from quality mackerel caught in Norway and marinated in yuzu soy sauce. It is processed into easy-to-eat fillets and is recommended not only for grilling, but also for simmering and cooking with rice. Marinating the mackerel in yuzu soy sauce enhances the mackerel's flavour and gives it a refreshing yuzu aroma. ノルウェーで獲れた上質な鯖を、柚子醤油に漬け込んだ商品です。食べやすい切り身に加工されており、焼き物はもちろん、煮物や炊き込みご飯などにもおすすめです。柚子醤油に漬け込むことで、鯖の旨味が引き立ち、さわやかな柚子の香りが口の中に広がります。


Mackerel, Yuzu, Mirin, Sake, Soy souce


Fish, Soy, Gluten