Pork Belly Marinated with Homemade Sauce (For BBQ, Raw)

Pork Belly Marinated with Homemade Sauce (For BBQ, Raw)

特製だれに漬け込んだ豚カルビ(焼き肉用、生)- When receiving, could be defrosted especially outside London

Perfect for barbecues and grilling, featuring pork belly marinated in homemade sauce with apple juice and garlic. Its juicy, tender texture and exquisite flavor of the homemade sauce make it a delightful choice for enjoying authentic barbecue flavors conveniently at home. にんにくやリンゴジュースの入った自家製の特製ソースで豚カルビをマリネしました。バーベキューや焼肉に最適です。ジューシーで柔らかな肉質と自家製ソースの絶妙な味わいが魅力で、家庭でお手軽に焼肉をお楽しみください
Sold Out
Restocked: Date TBC


Pork Belly, Soy sauce, Honteri Mirin, Garlic, Sugar, Sesame oil, Irigoma white sesame, Apple juice, Onions, Cooking Sake


Soy, Gluten, Sesame