KANRO Non-Sugar Throat Lozenge

KANRO Non-Sugar Throat Lozenge

カンロ ノンシュガー果実のど飴

This throat lozenge offers the refreshing flavors of four fruits without the use of menthol for a non-cooling sensation. It's sugar-free and contains no added sugars. / メントール不使用でスースーしない4つの果実の味が楽しめるのど飴です。 砂糖ゼロ 糖類ゼロ。
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Restocked: Date TBC


Reduced Malt Syrup (Domestic Production), Fruit Extracts, Herb Extracts, Acidulants, Vitamin C, Sorbitol, Flavorings, Coloring Agents (Safflower Yellow, Vegetable Extracts, Carotenoids, Annatto, Caramel), Emulsifier (Soy-Derived).

