Rich Cream Stew with 6 Ingredients

Rich Cream Stew with 6 Ingredients

6種の具材が入った濃厚クリームシチュー 280-290g - Halal

It is characterised by its creaminess and a rich flavor. This dish is made by simmering 6 ingredients including chicken, potatoes, carrots, onions, broccoli, and mushrooms together and finishing it off. Enjoy the gentle sweetness of the vegetables and the balance of the cream's richness. 豊かなクリーミーさと濃厚な味わいが特徴です。鶏肉、じゃがいも、人参、玉ねぎ、ブロッコリー、マッシュルーム、の6つの具材をごろっと入れ、じっくり煮込んで仕上げた贅沢な一品です。 野菜の優しい甘みと、クリームのコクのバランスをお楽しみください。


Chicken, Potato, Carrots, Broccoli, White button mushroom, Onions, Milk, Flour, Chicken stock, Butter, Salt, Vegetable stock


Wheat, Soy, Celery, Dairy