Sauce Only - Bolognese with 7 Spices & Port Wine

Sauce Only - Bolognese with 7 Spices & Port Wine

ポートワインと7種のスパイスボロネーゼ by Tsubasa Hanawa, former head chef at AWkitchen

数種類のスパイスを使った一味違ったボロネーゼソースです。クローブやシナモン、カルダモン、ブラックペッパーなど香りの強いスパイスを中心に使っているので、食べた後ほのかなスパイスの香りを楽しむことができます。一度食べるとクセになるような味わいを是非一度お召し上がりください。粗挽きペッパーとパルミジャーノチーズをかけると、より美味しくお召し上がりいただけます。 This is a Bolognese sauce with a difference, using several different spices. The sauce is made mainly from spices with strong scent such as cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and black pepper, so you can enjoy the subtle aroma of spices after eating. We hope you will enjoy the addictive taste once you try it. For an even better taste, serve with coarsely ground pepper and Parmigiano cheese.


Olive oil, Garlic in oil, Onions, Carrots, Port wine, Tomato paste, Ketchup, Bay Leaf, Turmeric powder, Garam masala, Clove whole, Cinamon whole, Star aniseed, Salt, Tomato tin, Red Wine, Minced Beef, Minced pork, Black pepper, Cardamom whole


sulphur dioxide and sulphites