Grilled 5 Vegetables Soup Chicken Curry for a Day's Worth of Green & Yellow Vegetables (120g) (+Rice & Veg)

Grilled 5 Vegetables Soup Chicken Curry for a Day's Worth of Green & Yellow Vegetables (120g) (+Rice & Veg)

1日分の緑黄色野菜 (120g) が取れる焼き野菜のスープチキンカレー(ご飯・野菜・漬物付)

A nutritious soup curry crafted with tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, and bell peppers. This flavorful dish provides a balanced intake of green and yellow vegetables, offering the perfect harmony of roasted vegetables and rich curry taste for a healthy and delicious meal. トマト、人参、カボチャ、ブロッコリー、パプリカを使用し、栄養豊富な緑黄色野菜1日分(トマト、人参、カボチャ、ブロッコリー、パプリカ)を一食で摂取できるスープカレーです。焼き野菜の香ばしさと手作りカレーが調和し、ヘルシーで美味しい食事が簡単に楽しめます。
Sold Out
Restocked: Date TBC


Pumpkin, Broccoli, Carrots, Bell Peppers, Onions, Olive oil, Salt, Garlic, Ginger, Cumin powder, Garlic powder, Corriander powder, Curry powder, Tomato can, Vegetable stock, Kombu powder, Chicken stock, Butter, dried basil, Dried parsley, Black pepper, Chicken thigh, Water.


soy, gluten, celery, milk