Bamboo Shoots Mixed Rice Seasoning Pack (for 300g uncooked rice)

Bamboo Shoots Mixed Rice Seasoning Pack (for 300g uncooked rice)

筍の炊き込みご飯の素 (お米2合分)- Ve

後は入れて炊くだけ。美味しい筍の炊き込みご飯が簡単に出来上がります。Defrost the packet under running water or in the fridge (do not heat the packet). Rinse 2 cups (300g) of rice and leave to soak in water for 20 mins. Leave the rice to drain in a sieve for 5 minutes to ensure all excess water is removed. Put the rice and the contents of the packet in the rice cooker and start cooking (do not add water). If you don't have a rice cooker, put the rice and the content of the packet in a pot. Cook over high heat with a lid, and, once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook for 20 mins.


Bamboo shoot, Aburaage, Soy sauce, Usukuchi(light) soy sauce, Sake, Salt, Konbu dashi, Katsuo dashi

