Ready to Cook Scallop and Squid Grilled in Foil (Soy Sauce, Garlic Flavour)

Ready to Cook Scallop and Squid Grilled in Foil (Soy Sauce, Garlic Flavour)

お家で焼くだけ ホタテとイカのホイル包み(バター醤油ガーリック味)

Canadian scallops and fresh sashimi quality squid, in foil with the classic butter-soy-garlic flavour, ready to be cooked at home. カナダ産のホタテとお刺身でも食べられる新鮮なイカを、定番のバター醤油ガーリック味でホイル包みにしました。お家で簡単にホイル焼きをお楽しみいただけます。
Sold Out
Restocked: Date TBC


Squid, scallops, butter, green onions, garlic, soy sauce


Milk, Fish, Soy, Scallops, Gluten