Ebara Korean Kitchen Buchimgae Mix

Ebara Korean Kitchen Buchimgae Mix

エバラ 韓国キッチン チヂミの素

This special pancake flour is a perfect blend of seasoning with ingredients boasting a seafood flavour and wheat flour, potato starch and rice flour, making it easy to enjoy pancakes with a unique crispy texture. Serve with a refreshingly tasty and spicy dipping sauce. 魚介の旨味が自慢の具材入り調味料と小麦粉・馬鈴薯でん粉・米粉を絶妙にブレンドしたチヂミ専用粉で、独特のサクうま食感が楽しい「チヂミ」が手軽にお楽しみいただけます。さっぱり旨辛なつけだれでお召しあがりください。
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Restocked: Date TBC


Seasoning with ingredients; Carrots, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, clam extract, salt, squid extract, scallop extract. Buchimgae flour; Wheat flour, potato starch, rice flour, glucose, vegetable oil, salt. Pancake sauce; Soy sauce, apple vinegar, amino acid solution, sugar, fish sauce, garlic, spring onions, sugar syrup, salt, glucose, chilli.


Wheat, Soy, Celery, Fish, Molluscs